Pair your Northern Michigan fall color drive on M-119’s famously scenic Tunnel of Trees with a stop at Petoskey Brewing.

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Photo by Nichole Earle

GRAB: Petoskey Brewing Cross Village

6352 N. Lake Shore Dr., Cross Village

There’s lots to celebrate at Petoskey Brewing—a 10-year anniversary, the recent release of its first spirits and the opening of a second taproom in Cross Village. The new location, with generous outdoor seating, will be open six months a year, from Memorial Day to Halloween, serving both food and craft beverages. Fall’s most popular brews: Oktoberfest (a malty Märzen with hints of toffee and caramel) and Super Trooper (a coffee-and-donut brown ale). Pair either with a burger—Petoskey Brewing is known for its smashed patties on brioche buns. The Signature Burger features two Toski Sand’s beef patties topped with cheddar, Plath’s bacon and secret sauce.

Photo by Petoskey Brewing

Photo by Petoskey Brewing

& GO: Tunnel of Trees

M-119, 20 mile stretch from Harbor Springs to Cross Village

M-119 begins at the north end of Petoskey, but it doesn’t officially become The Tunnel of Trees until north of Harbor Springs. From there, the twisty 20-mile route framed by hardwoods traces a spectacular bluff overlooking Lake Michigan. Things to know: The road is very narrow so take it slow; watch out for cyclists; the views really are worth the hype. “The drive on M-119 is, in our opinion, one of the most beautiful drives in the Midwest,” says Tyler Gostinger, Petoskey Brewing’s operations manager. “And we’re now on both ends of it.” Tip: Follow Petoskey Brewing on Face- book for upcoming events like classic cruise nights.

M119 Tunnel of Trees

Photo by Gretchen Dorian

Photo(s) by Petoskey Brewing