

Chef Myles Anton of Trattoria Stella prepares Fettucine for a mynorth.com Chef Showdown: Local Foods video. mynorth.com, the online home of Traverse, Northern Michigan’s Magazine, challenged Northern Michigan chefs to prepare a dish that is made with 95 percent Michigan products. We call it the Chef Showdown: Local Foods. Northern Michigan’s chefs, including Trattoria Stella's Myles Anton responded with relish.

The rules? Prepare a dish of your choice, savory or sweet, but 90 percent of the ingredients must be either raised, grown or foraged in Northern Michigan and an additional 5 percent must be raised, grown or foraged somewhere in Michigan. Additionally, the chefs agreed to provide our readers with their recipes and list of local ingredients—so the MyNorth audience could shop local and prepare the dishes themselves at home.

With so much goodness coming from so many restaurant kitchens we sent MyNorth Media videographer Kris Riley to capture the action in high-definition video. Click to watch the video of Chef Anton preparing this dish. To watch the other videos in this series go to mynorth.com and type “Chef Showdown: Local Foods” into the search bar.


  • 1 cup whole wheat or all purpose flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • pinch of salt & pepper
  • 1 bunch asparagus blanched & shocked
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups spinach
  • salt & pepper
  • chopped thyme
  • 1 cup cream


Mix first four ingredients together until smooth. Knead. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for one hour in the refrigerator. Roll out very thin in a pasta machine or with a rolling pin. Cut into noodles. 1. Poach the egg in 130 degree salted water2. cook fettuccine in boiling salted water until Al Dente 3. add hot cooked fettuccine to boiling cream and reduce until tight. Add chopped thyme and salt & pepper 4. Saute the asparagus & spinach 5. Assemble the fettuccine on bottom, sauteed asparagus & spinach andpoached egg on top. Serves 1.