Choose a glorious October day to pick wild grapes, and save them up for a blustery day to make them into jelly with this recipe.

This article first appeared in Traverse Northern Michigan. Find this story and more when you explore our magazine library. Want Traverse delivered to your door or inbox monthly? View our print subscription and digital subscription options.

This Traverse Classic was first featured on in 2008. Last updated January 2024.

Make Wild Grape Jelly in 3 Steps

1. Pick the grapes
Look for thick, prolific grape vines on shorelines or wherever the soil is sandy. The grapes are ready to harvest when they turn purple—usually early to mid-October. Since grapes and poison ivy tend to grow near each other, dress in long pants, long-sleeved shirt and gloves. Using scissors, cut bunches of grapes and carry them home in baskets, boxes or grocery bags. You’ll need about 3 1/2 pounds of stemmed, ripe grapes to make 8 cups of jelly.

2. Stem the grapes
When you get home from picking, refrigerate the grapes (for up to a week) until you are ready to stem them. Stemming is time-consuming, and a great rainy day activity for children.

3. Make the Jelly!
The recipe for grape jelly that comes with most pectin also works for wild grapes. Here’s the basic recipe with tips from my own experience.

Grape Jelly Recipe
Yields: 8 cups of jelly

  • Boil the jars and lids at least 10 minutes, then let stand in hot water until you’re ready to use them.
  • Place the 3 1/2 pounds of stemmed grapes in a saucepan and cover with 1 1/2 cups of water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the juice from the seeds into a kettle. To get all the juice, use a spoon and press the grapes against the sides of a strainer. You should have about 5 cups of juice.
  • Add 1 package of pectin (1 ounce) and 1/2 teaspoon of margarine to the juice and stir well. Bring the juice to a rolling boil.
  • Pour in 7 cups of sugar while stirring. Boil one minute, stirring constantly.
  • Remove from heat and skim off foam.
  • Use tongs to remove and drain the jars and lids from the hot water.
  • With a ladle, fill the jars to 1/8-inch from the top. Wipe the rim, place the lids on the jars and screw on the rings. Turn the jars over for five minutes, then turn them upright. Check the seal by pressing down on the center of the lid. It shouldn’t spring back.
wild grape jelly